RESURFACING: Overcoming inertia

Inertia. Like most things in science, it comes with its own rules. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
This, of course, remains true as long as some exterior force is NOT applied. If it is, then all bets are off.
I never meant to stop writing this blog. I think I was just in the mood for a bit of a break. That’s when inertia took over. Worse still, my own naturally occurring procrastination helped keep me from exerting my own kind of outside force — typing out my thoughts and feelings and opinions and experiences for anyone to read.
This dramatic cutback in typing — more accurately known as writing — didn’t occur just here on my blog. Posting on social sites and even writing e-mail tailed off as well. As did communicating with others in general.
I know one cause was a combination of physical, mental and emotional fatigue. I know I’ve gone on before about how the three need to be pretty much aligned and fueled with a basic energy for any kind of writing, but especially personal writing, to really flow.
Thinking’s no problem. When the thoughts get running I have more treadmills humming in my skull than some mega fitness
It’s having the energy trio mentioned above harnessed in such a way as to let the words, and the thoughts they represent, come streaming out in an orderly fashion.
I write a lot of stuff in my head. At times it tends to rattle around in there a fair bit. It also used to often build up until I just had to let it out. Nowadays I mostly let it slip away into the internal fog of faded memory.
That may well be a second reason this blog has sat idle for so long.
For a long time now I’ve thought that if I am ever to get back to writing, to sharing my thoughts — and everything else — again, perhaps I should start with my blog. Or else do something to officially retire Surfacing so it wouldn’t have to sit here looking so abandoned.
So tonight I’ve kicked off some of the dust — exerted an outside force? — and posted this piece, putting my blog-writing back in motion.
The question now is, will it stay in motion?

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One Response to RESURFACING: Overcoming inertia

  1. “I think I can, I think I can”. You can do it!

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