Welcome to my new blog. I can see that you’re excited already. Well, sit back, take a deep breath and relax. You’re making me nervous.

(There, for the first time I managed to resist adding <LOL>, which I often use to underline that I was only kidding. Not only do I think I probably use those little action brackets — <action> — too much, but I seem to be the only one still using them. So it’s probably time to put them to rest and hope my writing is clear enough to indicate when I am kidding, and such — which is most of the time. <LO.)

For a long time I didn’t think I would write a blog. For one thing, it seems somewhat clichéd with supposedly everyone and his dog writing one. (Heaven forbid, what if I can’t draw as many readers as someone’s dog?) Secondly, I, especially with online endeavours, have always preferred to be out in front of the crowd instead of following.

Even more importantly, I am not what you would call a self-starter. (Cue the sound of an engine cranking — rrrowe, rrrowe, rrrowe — without turning over. That’s an all-too-familiar sound to Canadians who try to drive in winter.) In fact I am a chronic procrastinator. For years now I’ve planned to try and overcome that defect, but just haven’t got around to it yet. So if people come to the blog again and again and find it hasn’t been updated, are they going to keep coming? Those who know me know to be patient. But I’m sure I sometimes try the patience of even my most loyal fans.

Still it is these fans, friends and family, who have been encouraging me to start a blog. My sons even noted that my posts on Facebook were rather long, often two or three paragraphs compared to everyone else’s one or two sentences. (I wonder what they would have thought of my epic-length posts on the Canada & Friends Forum on Delphi, and before that, Prodigy?)

So, here goes.

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8 Responses to WELCOME

  1. Mike Klassen says:

    It’s always a joy to me when I see a note from you pop up. What great memories from our days on Prodigy. You and Andy are the only ones I still have any contact with but I’d love to know what happened to some of the others from those days. (I’m just five miles from the Canadian border, so for all I know I’m just minutes away from Tracey.)

    I understand about epic-length posts. My own blog is full of them. These days I’ll write a two-page e-mail to someone and be impressed at how short I managed to keep it.

    I tend to believe a blog is a wonderful thing whether anyone reads it or not. I don’t often check stats of my own blog for fear of finding the truth: I’m my only reader. But I have to write, so whether it’s one or one-million, it makes no difference.

    So, welcome… always nice to know you’re still out there.

  2. CalicoLu says:

    I think you find people still use LOL without the brackets. 🙂
    and smileys – they apparently will never die! LOL

  3. The nice thing about blogs is people can subscribe to your RSS and not have to check your site constantly for updates, they get auto-notification.

  4. Gerry Provick says:

    Hey Bill, I am sure if I ever got around to researching it, I would find that our surname Provick and the word procrastination both stem from the same word origin! (is this where I insert the ?)

    Great title, great blog and as I was at the same Birthday party, you captured the essence of the day perfectly (geez this is getting long – don’t tell me it’s a blog too!)

    Can’t wait for more.

  5. Richard Crighton says:


    Great job! I have always enjoyed your writing and observatons, and this is an excelllent idea. I look forward to checking on the general state of everything “according to BillyP.


  6. Suzan says:

    Welcome to the Blogosphere! Good job!

  7. Cathy Giroux says:


    I love reading anything you write! You have a way…

    You still make me smile and laugh…

    wtg…looking forward to more 😉

  8. Ian Mallory says:

    Uncle Gerry gave the best hugs second only to Granny Provick!!!
    love ya Uncle Gerry !

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