
How could I have been so stupid? I don’t know.

I certainly know better and I even received a visual reminder, which I somehow ignored.

There I was at my granddaughter’s first birthday party last Saturday (Aug. 8 — ironically, my late father’s birthday). On hand were a bunch of adults, one pre-teen and two kids — one almost three and the other about to turn one year old in three days time.

The party was being held in advance so my son and his wife could stage this daytime BBQ party in the backyard of their new house on the weekend, when more people could attend, and in a more leisurely manner.

Despite advance warnings of rain for that day, it actually turned out to be one of the all-too-rare sunny days of this mostly overcast, terribly wet summer. I don’t get out nearly as much as I used to and I certainly hadn’t been out in the sun for any period of time this summer. So I never even thought once about applying sunscreen, even though I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt. (My favourite red one, which I am seen wearing in almost all pictures of me this spring and summer.)

It was a great party.

However, at one point I was down on one knee “chatting” with the birthday girl, Rachel, when her dad came along and began liberally applying more sunscreen to her arms and hands and legs, and neck and seemingly everywhere. And I’m thinking to myself, “Yes sir, with the sunscreen and her special pink hat with the big number 1 on it, she is certainly well protected from the sun. What a good, smart dad she has.”

What I SHOULD have been thinking is what a stupid grandfather she has.

Even later, I’m sitting in the bright sun, and I’m teasing my brother-in-law Richard about his very white legs. “Hey, Mariette. I was just looking at Richard’s legs and that reminds me, we’ll have to get a turkey for Thanksgiving.”

I SHOULD have been thinking of my own very white legs. I DID think to myself that I didn’t have to worry about my legs, because I was wearing jeans. I had thought of wearing shorts but I didn’t want to tempt the weather gods AND I figured my legs might burn, since this would be their first time this year exposed to the sun. Duh! What about your exposed arms, dummy?

Sitting out there, we even noted over and over again how bright and how very hot the sun was. I cherished every little breeze and even visited the shade from time to time.

Still, I somehow never twigged to how exposed I’d left myself.

When we did get home, after four great hours outdoors, I went to lie down, only to discover I couldn’t get comfortable. Now I’m quite familiar with leg pain but suddenly my arms were hurting as well. I got up and finally looked at them and realized they were bright crimson from where my sleeve ended, down to the knuckles on the back of my hands.


I came downstairs to be informed that our son Travis, who was up from Toronto for the weekend, had just discovered that the top of his knees were also crimson.

Unfortunately, despite applications of moisturizer, my arms are still almost as red, and just as sore, days later. Today, they’re somewhat faded, itchy from time to time, and still a bit painful when touched.

At first, looking at them earlier this week, I couldn’t understand why they didn’t hurt even more. Then I remembered that for the chronic (constant) leg pain I suffer, I take a slow-release painkiller, one in the morning, one at night, that’s supposed to last 12 hours. (They don’t seem to last quite that long but I get by. Fortunately I also have another, quick-acting pill for what we call breakthrough pain — pain that suddenly exceeds the usual pain levels.)

So obviously these painkillers were helping reduce the pain from the sunburn as well as the leg pain. (Maybe even disguising, a bit, how serious the sunburn was?) Now my family knows I am very conscientious and careful with these painkillers, due to the fact they’re pretty heavy duty. Sometimes though, even I find myself acting a little weird. For example, when I’d wake because of increased pain in my arms — no doubt from all the tossing and turning I do — I WOULDN’T take a quick-acting painkiller because this breakthrough pain was not from my legs. Breakthrough leg pain is primarily what the painkillers are for, at least in my mind. I’ve been chided by doctor and spouse in the past for being overly conscientious. I was probably being a little dumb again. Pain is pain. But that’s just the way I am.

Besides, as another bit of dumbness, I have this “serves me right” kind of feeling for being so oblivious as to have not even contemplated the obvious: Sunscreen is essential when out in the sun.

So, a week later, I still have this all-too-vivid reminder of just how stupid I was last weekend.

Now I’m not looking for pity. Having people feel sorry for me — I don’t even feel sorry for myself — is not my purpose here. But if this serves as a warning to others to NOT forget the sunscreen — now that we actually have some sun — then my suffering will not be in vain. (Thank goodness I somehow knew enough to wear a wide-brimmed straw hat to protect my face and ears and neck. Had I burned my face, it would really hurt to smile like this.)

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13 Responses to Sunburn

  1. CalicoLu says:

    Kinda makes that old adage ‘there’s no fool like an old fool’ come to light, eh? lol ! Well, I can’t say I haven’t done pretty much the same thing at times. It should be getting better by now.

  2. I hate sunburns. However, if you don’t have blisters you’re doing okay. Last sunburn I had I got blisters and couldn’t even sit still for the itching.

  3. Good to see you back writing AND sharing it with others. It’s something you’ve always enjoyed doing and it has often given a lot of pleasure to others to read.

  4. Jude says:

    Oh Bill….I’ve been in your situation and I DO feel sorry for you! Ouch like crazy!

    Moisturizer ain’t gonna do it, my friend. I have a huge bottle of 100% pure aloe vera gel. Slather generously. Trust me. (Hey! I finally have a place where someone will understand what the is all about!)

    Love the blog, and hope you do keep it up on a semi-regular basis. No pressure though. 🙂

    In closing I give you these: {{{Bill}}}

    Lotsa love,

  5. Jude says:

    Just learned something….anything I try to put into our little pointy bracket thingies will NOT show up in a post. So…imagine I wrote this in those:

    (g) (bg) (vbg) (chuckle) (smile) (laughing) (smooch) 😉

  6. Angela says:

    Ouch! I really feel for you! I’m bad for not remembering the sunscreen as well. 🙂

    Just a ? not that it matters now but could your meds make you more susceptible to burning? I have a couple that have that side effect.

    Take care & feel better soon!

  7. Christina Bond says:

    Hi, Billy! Thanks for sending me the link to your blog! It’s nice to be able to come here to see what you’re up to.

    I was going to mention aloe vera gel too but I see somebody already beat me to it! Or … if you have an aloe vera plant, just break off a piece and rub it (gently) over your arms. Also, did you know that you can still burn if you’re wearing sunscreen? Maybe just not as bad or as quickly, but you still need to be careful when out in the sun. (Sorry if that sounded like a lecture, which it wasn’t meant to be. I’ve just become more aware in my later years because I don’t want to end up with crocodile skin. *g*)

    Hope you and yours are doing fine. 🙂


  8. Ooops, I had a typo on my blog URL. Just correcting it.

  9. Richard Marleau says:

    Only if we would have paid attention, we wouldn’t be peeling now

  10. Allan Wing says:

    Sunburn, not good, with my large forehead, sunburns are easy to get. Be careful

  11. Mariete Marleau says:

    Maybe I should go & buy some sunscreen for my dear husband.

  12. Cathy Giroux says:

    Ouch Bill! That must be painful….I have used an after sun Gel , which helps cool it down. I was out in the sun for a couple of hours in June…got a little burn on my legs, then came home and sat with my laptop on my legs…..owww…that hurt!, kept rubbing the gel to kewl it off….
    Now I use alot of 30spf lotion…. 😉

  13. Marion Singletary says:

    I enjoyed reading yur blog and look forward to future entries.

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